Wednesday, July 29, 2009

day seven: july 29, 2009.

seattle heatwave '09! today's photo is kind of boring, but it has honestly been tooooo hottttt to stay outside for very long so this is what you get. and the weather is record-setting, so that's kind of a big deal.

anyway, that's what my iphone weather app had to say and it is sweltering. couldn't even go for my run this evening. whew! hopefully things cool down soon, but it looks like it's going to be pretty hot for pretty long. xo.


  1. Gee....Florida doesn't seem so bad! Only 91. LOL

  2. That's such a dumb temperature.

  3. how ironic that it is hotter there than here! LOL

  4. this just makes me furious. you need to add a "hate" button.

  5. hahaha. it's just there to piss you off, michael. ;)
