Sunday, December 20, 2009

day one hundred and fifty: december 19, 2009.

for some reason, it took me until today to venture into the fremont vintage mall, and i am so sad i haven't been sooner! it's like an underground network of retro MAGIC that only the cool know exist. seriously, it takes up what would be the basement of nearly an entire city block, and it smells lovely (not like some musty antique cellar) which is an extra bonus.

anyhow, the beauties being held by my darling husband in this photo are some of my new christmas loot. YES THEY ARE MEGA PINK AND YES THEY ARE FABULOUS. perfect fit, in my size (7) and faaaaancy. i had to drag myself outta there after this find, because i didn't want to do any more damage to our collective wallet when we still have shopping for others to finish.

you can bet i'll be back after the 25th though.... xo.

Monday, December 14, 2009

day one hundred and forty five: december 14, 2009.

i finally made it to the kuan yin teahouse in wallingford! i've been wanting to go since the summer, but just haven't for one reason or another. it's awesome! they have tons of fancy loose leaf teas and yummy snacks, even some yummy-looking main courses. i will definitely be back! xo.

day one hundred and forty four: december 13, 2009.

i went to green lake park today and the lake was about 40% frozen!!! so magical. i even walked on the ice a tiny bit.... xo.

Friday, December 11, 2009

day one hundred and forty two: december 11, 2009.

hiiiii. i've been a bad, bad blogger. but i'm back! i took a weeeeee little break from the blog when my friend m. came here to visit for my birthday and then, to be honest, living in the wondrous magic that is seattle has prevented me from getting back into this. i've been so busy with work and exploring and settling in that i kept procrastinating catch up and now... well, it's been awhile.

that said, i am switching things up a bit. i will keep on posting things, but it might not be a picture a day. we'll see. either way, i promise to pay more attention to this photo journal! there are so many beautiful and fancy things to show you, after all.

for today there are multiple pics. enjoy!

our xmas tree!
early morning frost!
early winter skies at sundown....
puget sound on a very cold and sunny friday.
turkey latte art!
