Sunday, December 20, 2009

day one hundred and fifty: december 19, 2009.

for some reason, it took me until today to venture into the fremont vintage mall, and i am so sad i haven't been sooner! it's like an underground network of retro MAGIC that only the cool know exist. seriously, it takes up what would be the basement of nearly an entire city block, and it smells lovely (not like some musty antique cellar) which is an extra bonus.

anyhow, the beauties being held by my darling husband in this photo are some of my new christmas loot. YES THEY ARE MEGA PINK AND YES THEY ARE FABULOUS. perfect fit, in my size (7) and faaaaancy. i had to drag myself outta there after this find, because i didn't want to do any more damage to our collective wallet when we still have shopping for others to finish.

you can bet i'll be back after the 25th though.... xo.

Monday, December 14, 2009

day one hundred and forty five: december 14, 2009.

i finally made it to the kuan yin teahouse in wallingford! i've been wanting to go since the summer, but just haven't for one reason or another. it's awesome! they have tons of fancy loose leaf teas and yummy snacks, even some yummy-looking main courses. i will definitely be back! xo.

day one hundred and forty four: december 13, 2009.

i went to green lake park today and the lake was about 40% frozen!!! so magical. i even walked on the ice a tiny bit.... xo.

Friday, December 11, 2009

day one hundred and forty two: december 11, 2009.

hiiiii. i've been a bad, bad blogger. but i'm back! i took a weeeeee little break from the blog when my friend m. came here to visit for my birthday and then, to be honest, living in the wondrous magic that is seattle has prevented me from getting back into this. i've been so busy with work and exploring and settling in that i kept procrastinating catch up and now... well, it's been awhile.

that said, i am switching things up a bit. i will keep on posting things, but it might not be a picture a day. we'll see. either way, i promise to pay more attention to this photo journal! there are so many beautiful and fancy things to show you, after all.

for today there are multiple pics. enjoy!

our xmas tree!
early morning frost!
early winter skies at sundown....
puget sound on a very cold and sunny friday.
turkey latte art!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

day ninety: october 20, 2009.

today is my 30th birthday!

and this is what my lovely husband had delivered to my door this morning (among other gifts).

i love him and i love cupcakes!!! especially for breakfast haha.

if you remember an earlier post, these are from cupcake royale - best cupcakes on earth. xo.

day eighty nine: october 19, 2009.

the trees are really amazing and magical now. and the leaves are starting to fall.

the colors look so crisp and vibrant on cloudy, wet days. like little sparks of fire... love it!!


day eighty eight: october 18, 2009.

this is the weird outdoor garden/portico of the "history house" here in fremont. i haven't been inside yet, and i'm not really all that certain what goes on there, but i noticed they put up a giant killer whale the other day so i decided to take a photo.

hmmm... xo.

day eighty seven: october 17, 2009.

this is a framed quote at healeo, a vegan/raw food/juice/smoothie establishment on capitol hill.

i had a crazy lemon juice, raw ginger, raw garlic, some kind of mineral oil and cayenne pepper "wellness shot" there that was AMAZING.

i just like the quote a lot. xo.

day eighty six: october 16, 2009.

the chestnuts are falling (mom, you would be in roast chestnut heaven!) and they leave this fuzzy little pod-shells behind.

they kind of remind me of the soot sprites from totoro.....


day eighty five: october 15, 2009.

this is some lovely "twilight" weather we are having. cold and drizzly and misty and foggy.

so fancy. xo.

day eighty four: october 14, 2009.

a view at the end of our street, from under the aurora bridge at sunset.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

day eighty three: october 13, 2009.

ok, tonight's post is a little different. but since this has to do with images and seattle, i am posting it anyway!

a few weeks ago i made a new music video, for a musician and friend back in florida named jeremy gloff.

i shot it here in seattle, on capitol hill with my good friend michael and his magical kitty, five.

today is the world premiere, so i hope you enjoy it!

you can watch other videos of mine (most are pretty old - i need to update the site!) on my website if you're interested.

thanks! now back to normal business. carry on... xo.

Monday, October 12, 2009

day eighty two: october 12, 2009.

hahaha. i met this fellow on my run from fremont to ballard this morning.

so raaaaandom. he's a snatchasaurus!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

day eighty one: october 11, 2009.

today's post is a little risqué. it was taken in our neighborhood laundromat while we were washing our clothes; what a sassy artistic tribute to the fanciness that is fremont. the naked bicyclists are from the summer solstice parade, which i am very much looking forward to!

and there's the troll... and the aurora bridge.. and waiting for the interurban.

in short, this laundromat ROCKS. haha. i love that there's boobs above the spin cycle. xo.

day eighty: october 10, 2009.

we went out for breakfast in town this a.m., and this was how my espresso was served to me.

i love this cup and saucer!!!! underneath the cup, there is a teeeeeny little peppermint swirl. so cute and magical.

i want to wake up to this every morning! haha. xo.

day seventy nine: october 9, 2009.

this is a tree that is full of chairs here in fremont. it's very alice in wonderland and it makes me smile.


day seventy eight: october 8, 2009.

it's a little difficult to see, but that neon magic up in the fremont bridge tower is rapunzel, and she is very fancy.

you can see her every night, shining bright! xo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

day seventy seven: october 7, 2009.

pacific northwest sunset about 6:50pm, a few blocks from our apartment during our evening walk with mickey.

so pretty!!! xo.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

day seventy six: october 6, 2009.

here is some fancy sidewalk art around the corner from our apartment. it seems someone love(s)/(d) elvis.

or just bejeweled household accoutrements. ;)

what a magical mosaic! it's totally 80's. xo.

Monday, October 5, 2009

day seventy five: october 5, 2009.

now it's realllly starting to look like fall! this was my landscape this morning on my 4 mile run to the u-district and back.

right now everything is red and yellow... waiting for oranges and browns to come soon.... the changing of the leaves is in its early stages and will only get fancier as october unfolds...

i really missed this living in florida...

yay!! xo.

day seventy four: october 4, 2009.

this one is self explanatory. the pike place market is kinda touristy, but definitely has some delicious food and farm-fresh goods to stock up on.

there is a great bookstore, "left bank books" adjacent to the market that is supremely magical. they have all kinds of crazy zines and independent publications on their shelves, in addition to patches and buttons and t-shirts and great vintage volumes.


day seventy three: october 3, 2009.

our apartment is slowly but surely coming together!!!!!!!

i am loving it. next up is to put some art on the walls and have our belongings shipped out.


day seventy two: october 2, 1009.

this is a cryptic message that was spray scrawled on one of the homeless tents along the burke-gilman trail... it makes me giggle.

how polite of them to censor their language. xo.

day seventy one: october 1, 2009.

i am obsessed with the cold, cloudy weather in seattle. it is amazing... and makes the water look extra fancy...


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

day seventy: september 30, 2009.

this is what i can only guess is the "halloween" window at ophelia books here in fremont, judging by the twilight volumes, h.p. lovecraft anthology and - my personal favorite - "sadism in the movies."

so naughty! bookstore kitty loves it. xo.

day sixty nine: september 29, 2009.

fall is coming!!!!!!!!!!!! xo.

Monday, September 28, 2009

day sixty eight: september 28, 2009.

this is a famous fremont statue near the water called, "waiting for the interurban."

you can read all about it HERE, but what i think is really neat is that the city WANTS you to decorate it and have fun with it. the sculpture people are always in wacky outfits, or decked out with props and signs celebrating someone's 21st birthday, graduation or anniversary, and there are always streamers floating in the breeze nearby as a result.

it's just an example of the mindset here in seattle, and definitely fremont. love it!


day sixty seven: september 27, 2009.

i like to call this the fremont "fry guy." it's really creepy and i've gone back and forth a lot over whether to post it, but really... i just had to.

so random. it's out front of "deluxe junk," that rad vintage store a couple blocks from our place.

the other day i saw the owners carrying him out and setting him up as part of their opening ritual, and it was just surreal.

don't gaze upon him too long or you might have strange dreams... xo.

day sixty six: september 26, 2009.

this is another sign from that deli on capitol hill that i previously put up. theses signs are just hilarious, and ever-changing.

there was also one with the beatles on it, but the illustration on this one really won me over. ;)


Saturday, September 26, 2009

day sixty five: september 25, 2009.

this is a shot from inside roxy's, which is an east coast style diner in our neighborhood. it's super kitschy, and filled with waitresses that look like they just skated off the rink at a roller derby.

it's so fun!! the walls are mega decorated with posters and funny art, like that wedding sign for quickie same sex drive-thru weddings. :)

the food is pretty good, too, and cheap. you can get egg on a bagel about 400 different ways, which is awesome, and the lunch counter is the best place to sit!

yum. xo.

day sixty four: september 24, 2009.

this is the fremont rocket. it is a very special fremont monument.

it's attached to a very fancy store about two blocks from our apartment near the markers declaring fremont the "center of the universe." it's just neat to wander past it, look up and say hello. xo.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

day sixty three: september 23, 2009.

more magical neighborhood pics!

this is the bridge we live next to/almost underneath, and it's called the aurora bridge. i took this shot this evening when i was walking mickey. it's a really beautiful bridge, architecturally, but it is also the most popular bridge in seattle to commit suicide off of (we live near where it starts so we're far enough away that we would never see anything bleak). the city of seattle is actually constructing a barrier to prevent any more suicides from taking place on the bridge, which will be a really great thing because it is so gorgeous.


day sixty two: september 22, 2009.

this is the three-legged cat that lives at the seattle drum school. it is a very magical kitty that hops around and stares at you with wide eyes.

it has a sassy attitude too, which you know i love. xo.

day sixty one: september 21, 2009.

this is a mural on the burke-gilman trail, right where you hop on at the end of my street. i love the various animalia on the cycles, especially the fancy octopus!!! it makes me smile when i'm running.

and look at the narwhal! xo.

Monday, September 21, 2009

day sixty: september 20, 2009.

this is one of the two guild movie theatres on 45th street in wallingford. they are super retro and fantastic!!!! i wanted a picture of the fancier theatre, but as you maybe guessed i took this picture from my car at a quick stoplight, so even this photo isn't that great.

seattle has tons of great old movie houses that are filled with people watching new, old and cult movies on a daily basis. the film snob in me LOVES THIS.

check out the landmark theatres website for the guild 45th (you can also see all the other movie houses there) and - fun fact - francis ford coppola often uses this theatre to pre-screen his flicks before they are released to the public. MAGIC!!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

day fifty nine: september 19, 2009.

fall is coming!!!!!! i can't wait.

i found this little magical growing in a neighbor's front garden.

so cool! xo.

Friday, September 18, 2009

day fifty eight: september 18, 2009.

this is the seattle drum school. the seattle drum school is badass! one of the kids i nanny for (the girl!) takes lessons there. she's in 6th grade and wants to start a band. so cute!

it is so seattle at the seattle drum school. posters up of all the 90s grunge bands and a totally seedy musician feel. so awesome!

i'm looking forward to many trips there. xo.

day fifty seven: september 17, 2009.

i know i keep posting pictures of our new neighborhood but i'm just so excited about moving there that you're going to have to deal with it!!

this is the end of our street. it ends at lake union and there is a spectacular view of downtown across the water, which looks extra glittery and magical at night when all the lights are twinkling. (just to the left of frame - you can see a few fringe buildings in the upper left corner.)

adobe (photoshop, premiere, etc.) is also right at the end of street. maybe they can hook me up for my next editing project! haha.

we move this weekend... yaaaaaay! xo.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day fifty six: september 16, 2009.

this is one of the walls of the experience music project in the seattle center. for the most part, i think the frank gehry-designed building is pretty ugly, but this one wall is sooo magical it almost makes up for the rest of the grotesque exterior. i love how purply/pink and holographic it is. soooo dreamy.

it looks amazing in daylight/in person.

the inside of the emp is pretty rad, too. i really enjoyed the performance space when i was at bumbershoot. also attached to the emp is the science fiction museum, which i have yet to explore but which sounds neat-o for sure.

anyway, i just love this photo/this wall and wanted to share it. xo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

day fifty five: september 15, 2009.

this is the view from our new apartment! we move in this weekend, and i can't wait!! isn't it fancy!? such a tiny sneak peek....

i will post more photos on more blog entries once we move in of our neighborhood and magical hideaway. i love it!


Monday, September 14, 2009

day fifty four: september 14, 2009.

tonight we went to "blue c sushi" in the university district. it's an authentic japanese conveyor belt sushi joint, but metrosexualized. i loved it! the sushi plates range from $1.50 (vegetarian rolls, edamame) - $5.25 (fancier stuff like rainbow eel rolls and tempura). it's delicious, and being that i am a notorious fickle menu mind changer, i looooove that you can choose what you want as you eat so you are never unhappy.

they have yummy genmaicha (green tea with toasted brown rice and mini popcorn) and giant japanese beers, plus additional menu items that you can order from the kitchen. while you eat you can get dizzy watching the conveyor belt, or you can focus on one of two giant video screens projecting video and images from japan (like mount fuji, geisha, tokyo, etc.).

it's awesome!!! here's their website.

there's one in fremont, down the street from our new place. so excited! xo.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

day fifty three: september 13, 2009.

this is the fremont branch of the seattle public library system. and it will soon be *our* branch, since we are moving to fremont next weekend!!!!!

seriously, the libraries here in seattle are amazing. every neighborhood has its own, and each one has a unique architectural personality, like the ballard branch that is completely eco-friendly and has grass and other flora growing on its roof. so magical! the fremont branch reminds me a little of florida with its vintage spanish style. it also has a multi-level garden on the grounds that goes all the way down a hill to lake union. lovely!

of course the main branch is famous for being an architectural masterpiece, but i really enjoy all the little ones better. they have more charm and character.

you can go to the seattle public library system HERE, and check out all the branches yourself!

i can't wait to get my library card and start checking out books! xo.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

day fifty two: september 12, 2009.

today we lost hours (perhaps even years) of our lives inside of the seattle ikea. i probably could have snuggled down under one of the fluffy duvets in a bedroom display and no one would have noticed while i recharged my batteries..... seriously, that place is the biggest ikea-land i have ever seen. seriously, squared, i believe those crafty swedes may have figured out a way to maneuver the time/space continuum and create a portal where you lose hours, days, years of your life when to you it only seems like minutes.

but boy do i love the domestica-porn they create at bargain basement prices. a stainless steel flatware set for $7.99?!?! where can i swipe my debit card?!?!

anyhow, today's picture is for the tampa people... and the former tampa people. isn't this just the greatest??? a door mat even! haha. i love it.

and i love ikea. and i love YOU. xo.

Friday, September 11, 2009

day fifty one: september 11, 2009.

say hello to "india bistro!" this is quite possibly the BEST indian food i have ever eaten, including all the indian food i ate when i lived in london. it is soooo yummmy. there's one on roosevelt in ravenna, and another location in ballard. (we've only eaten at/from the ravenna location, but i'm sure the ballard one is yummy, too.) it is truly heaven.

they use super fresh ingredients, the atmosphere is simple, cozy and modern, and the music played in the restaurant is SO FANCY!!! all bollywood/indian magic. I LOVE IT!

if you live in seattle, you must go here. but don't go making it all crowded and loud when i wanna go. i like it just the way it is! quiet and intimate. ;)

check it out! xo.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

day fifty: september 10, 2009.

this is my view from work. right on lake washington. aren't i lucky? i definitely feel like it!

too bad my iphone camera is too weak to see giant mt. rainier in the background... xo.

day forty nine: september 9, 2009.

my aunt and i went to carkeek park, on puget sound, to see if we could see any straggling salmons spawning before the season ended. we discovered that the salmon we were looking for didn't spawn at carkeek, but that the ones that did are projected to do so beginning in november, so at least there's that to look forward to.

i also discovered how cool carkeek is and what greats views of the sound it offers (minus the 2 mile hike that discovery park entails). if you can see the stairs/platform in the far left of the image, you are looking at the raised walkway that goes over railroad tracks where you can watch trains approach the park from miles down shore and then pass right under your feet. there's a lot of really cool old school playgrounds/campgrounds/dining areas and trails to explore, too and apparently the tide pools are exquisite. (i'll have to go back when the tide is low to check them out!)

neat! xo.

day forty eight: september 8, 2009.

this is the crescent, a verrry magical gay bar on capitol hill with some of the sassiest karaoke i have ever seen.

it's little more than a hole-in-the-wall, but the clientele is fantastic and in addition to the great people watching there are some dirt cheap drinks, rainbow motion lights and lots of whitney/mariah being belted out over cheesy backing tracks.

loves it! xo.